A Practical Approach to AI in Mortgage


AI is largely a ten percent job, ten percent of the time, for ten percent of your team. Mortgage business leaders continue to need to keep their focus on operations, compliance, and customer success. Technology leaders have their hands full maintaining a hybrid ecosystem of core heritage solutions and more modern point solutions. They must also keep up with the crushing pace of change, constant drumbeat of integration challenges, and the latest security threats.

We believe every company in the industry needs a practical approach to artificial intelligence that can be implemented quickly and safely. Much has been written about the lack of modern technology in mortgage, and we see the mass commercial availability of AI and generative AI as an opportunity to leapfrog this prevailing paradigm. We believe companies who seize the opportunities in AI will be the ones that gain a critical edge over everyone else. Enter practical mortgage AI from PhoenixTeam.

We partner with clients to define a three-horizon strategy for AI, and to identify and enable a use case-based approach that can be implemented now. Our AI services team works with clients on two parallel paths – the first is to define and document the enterprise AI strategy, the second is to identify a use case and prepare the organization to deliver it. With a little bit of focus, this can all be done in two to four weeks.

There is no shortage of use cases across mortgage that are great candidates for AI, and we provide a starter set of 36 for you to consider. Not all of these are great candidates for the immediate term, but thinking on a three-horizon strategy helps to mobilize our teams to both innovate now (safely!) and also be ready for what comes next. Share your thoughts with our team and let us know how we can help you empower your organization, drive internal efficiencies, and better serve your customers with a practical, actionable AI strategy.