Team Member Spotlight: Meet Michael

PhoenixTeam Employee Spotlight Graphic – Michael

Being a Business Analyst at PhoenixTeam is Michael Oliver’s first job in his career. He never knew how willing his team members would be to help the “new guy.” “The people here at PhoenixTeam care and want to see me succeed. The experience in my first six months has been full of great times, and many answered questions.”

As a kid, Michael always dreamed of having a Jeep Wrangler. He achieved that goal, and his next step is to lift it and put some big tires on it! As far as a dream home, the combination of a modern style home with a log cabin color pallette would be his choice.

Thinking back to his not so long-ago college days, his advice to himself now is; “Trust your instincts. It will all work out the way it is supposed to.”