AI Talks - Part 3 - The Problem of Shared Understanding

Part 3 of our Accessible AI Talks series is here, brought to you by Tela Gallagher Mathias and Brian Woodring. Today, we’re diving into how AI is reshaping software development and zooming in on shared understanding.

Ever been on a project where things slip through the cracks? We all know the struggle. Shared vision is key, as Brian said, “It doesn’t begin until you have a shared vision of success.”

But why is it difficult to achieve and maintain this shared understanding? It all boils down to a couple of things: every human interprets things differently and the dreaded time crunch.

AI is the game-changer here, ensuring seamless integration for all team members, anytime. Imagine a world where AI handles the grunt work, allowing us to focus on building rockin’ new products!

Let us know what you think and stay tuned for our next segment on how AI is revolutionizing requirements. We’re adapting with fresh approaches beyond physical proximity. Dream big, innovate bigger!

Accessible AI Talks - Part 2

In this Talk we discuss how we can use AI and generative AI in the ‘imagine’ space of software development. We explore the ways AI will fundamentally change the way software development works and how it will expedite time-to-value. Tela Gallagher Mathias will be joined by our guest, Brian Woodring, a renowned figure in software engineering and technology leadership.

You’ll learn:

  • The critical role of the imagine space, where teams brainstorm ideas and determine how to add value swiftly.
  • Rapid Feedback and Idea Testing
  • The limitations of minimum viable products (MVPs) and advocated for maximum viable products that deliver substantial value to users, prompting immediate adoption.
  • Challenges in Maintaining Shared Understanding
  • The potential of AI, particularly generative AI, to expedite idea generation, validation, and maintaining shared understanding among team members.

And tune in for our next talk where we’ll discuss finding and keeping a shared understanding, and the pivotal role generative AI plays in advancing software development.

Accessible AI Talks - Part 1

Tela Mathias recently kicked off PhoenixTeam’s Accessible AI series with Brian Woodring where they discussed how AI and generative AI can streamline time-to-value to deliver high quality software. In the interview, you’ll learn:

  • Their experiences in software development and the importance of learning from past failures and successes.
  • The significance of AI in accelerating software development, its impact on time-to-value, and its accessibility to a broader range of professionals.
  • The emergence of new roles, such as the “value engineer”.
  • Current experiments with generative AI.

Brian Woodring puts it best: “Technology is for everyone… the ability to deliver more value than ever before is incredibly exciting.”

Storyboards Matter: Three Insights for Using AI to Accelerate Product Design and Delivery

By Jeremy Romano, Managing Practitioner | Experience Design & Product Management

In software development, storyboarding is the essential blueprint for crafting exceptional user experiences. The product design phase and its artifacts are often the most misunderstood, underutilized, and notably absent components of the product and software development processes. Software development is more effective when guided by a design thinking methodology: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Implement, and Iterate. Products achieve optimal outcomes when they incorporate a user-centered process: Understand, Explore, Design, Evaluate, Refine, Implement, and Maintain. Despite these well-established frameworks, most organizations are constrained by resources, time, cutting corners, and making compromises that often leads to losing sight of the end-user’s needs and the business goals they aim to achieve. Even the most well-intentioned and successful teams face these struggles.

Over the past three decades, I have collaborated with top-tier brands to create award-winning products. I’ve witnessed product design, a core element of delivering great software that delights customers, become significantly less important to organizations. Now, with AI and Generative AI consuming the market, we believe a window of opportunity is wide open for organizations to embrace the power of AI for product design, specifically, storyboarding.

Why did we choose storyboards for our proof of concept (POC)?

We wanted to prove that one of the most valuable tools for building impactful products can be created faster than ever before and with a high degree of quality and accuracy. While most teams lack the typical skills, time, or resources to effectively produce high-quality design artifacts, using AI to storyboard will transform how organizations visualize and communicate the product vision from the user’s perspective. Taking it one step further and harkening back to Brian Woodring’s statement that “technology can be for everyone”, we want even the most artistically inexperienced people to be able to imagine and create impactful visualizations.

The hypothesis is that if AI can enable anyone to create visually compelling narratives without the associated cost and time challenges, with just the click of a button, the industry would see faster delivery, greater adoption, and happier, more productive, end-users.

Our AI Storyboarding Journey

Generative AI is powerful and challenging because it always generates a response. The scenes in our initial image generations were “awesome” but kind of useless, characterized by strangely abstract elements, wild metaphors, and a variety of artistic styles—from watercolor to oil painting, and from photorealistic to Disney-like. While the raw output from the language model was captivating, it often strayed from our intended narrative, and we watched as the age, race, and gender of our characters changed unexpectedly and with no prompt.

Insight #1: Developing our Cast of Characters

The most impactful learning from our POC was in character design. Drawing from cinema and traditional character design, we embraced the concept of using props. The language model required prompts with precise characteristics, so for us, ‘props’ included specifying ages, hair color, and even learning about various mustaches, beards, and hairstyles, such as the imperial mustache, curtain beard, afro puffs, and even the differences between a pixie cut, a pageboy, a bob, and a long bob. I also discovered the vast array of glasses styles available—rectangle, square, round, cat-eye, brow-line, and aviator (see Image #1). It was this level of detail that allowed us to refine and solidify our cast of characters in a more uniform fashion (see image #2).

Image #1

Once we fine-tuned our approach, we were able to nail down PhoenixTeam’s cast of characters, each with a unique persona, and personality.

Image #2

Insight #2: Defining the Scene Style

The second key insight was the importance of limiting the range of artistic styles for the AI. By narrowing down the color palette, specifying line weight and type, and providing a reference style for it to emulate, along with a clear focus for the “camera,” we achieved more consistent and repeatable results.

Insight #3: Finding a path to maintain a coherent story flow from start to finish.

The third breakthrough involved enabling our Value Engineers to select one of our characters and a series of user stories, which, when combined with our backend integration of artistic guidelines and camera settings, empowered the AI to autonomously generate consistent and engaging narratives. This ‘secret sauce’ has been a game-changer in maintaining a coherent story flow from the first panel to the last (see image #3), allowing us to weave seamless narratives that compellingly drive the story forward. We are now able to generate storyboards directly from user stories and acceptance criteria without any human intervention.

Image #3

AI, for now, is not a magical solution that solves all problems; its role as an incredibly powerful assistant or as John Comiskey states “your ultimate wingman”, invites us to become active and engaged curators. Generative AI possesses the transformative power to break down longstanding barriers, enabling creativity and collaboration at unprecedented scale and speed. We can generate and share ideas more rapidly, pushing the boundaries of innovation and design thinking to make better software faster. This technology allows us to shape a future where AI and human creativity unite to create more meaningful and impactful design outcomes. I invite you to join this exciting journey, and experiment with AI in your projects. Comment below to share your experiences and insights with storyboarding or other image-generating results.

By Kenny Akridge, Managing Director at PhoenixTeam

If you have been following this series and have already experimented with one or more Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT, you are undoubtedly convinced that Gen AI is completely revolutionary and that it is here to stay. If not, I encourage you to visit our earlier posts and try out some of the simple examples. Before we explore the rules, let’s get a clear understanding of what Gen AI is.

Generative AI (aka Gen AI or GenAI):a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, pictures [like the graphic above], music, or writing, all on its own. It learns how to do this by studying lots of examples, and then it uses what it has learned to make new things that have never been made before. Think of it like a really smart robot that can draw, write stories, or compose music just by understanding patterns from what it has seen before.

Full transparency – ChatGPT generated that definition. I think it is mostly a good definition though. That brings us to the first rule.

Rule Number One of Gen AI: “AI should almost always do most of the work.”

Why would I write a definition for Gen AI from scratch when the AI can do it for me? I have applied this rule so often for a little over a year now that it has become second nature. To a large degree, it has replaced Google for me. Need to write a complex Excel formula? Gen AI can do that. Need to OCR something, Gen AI can do that. Want to find patterns in a series of data? You guessed it – Gen AI can do that too. There really isn’t much that it can’t do. I find myself constantly telling people around me to “just let the AI do it.”

So, this is amazing, right? I mean, ChatGPT can complete most of the work for my tasks. You might even wonder if this article was composed by AI. Sadly, ChatGPT did not write this article. It would have saved me a lot of time for sure. Unfortunately, this article falls outside of the “almost always” condition of the rule. When I need something to be genuine, to be authentic, to be delivered in my own voice, there is no substitute (at least not yet). That said, I did consult with ChatGPT on many aspects of this article. “Is ‘almost always’ a clause?” ChatGPT said no, it’s a stipulation or a condition.

Ok, so why does Gen AI only do most of the work?  Enter the second rule.

Rule Number Two of Gen AI: “You almost always need a human for the last mile.”

I borrowed the term “last mile” from the transportation industry. In short, it means “The final leg of delivering goods or services.” Despite all its powerful abilities, Gen AI doesn’t always produce high quality outputs with acceptable accuracy.  Sometimes it guesses and guesses wrong. Sometimes it hallucinates – tells fiction as if it were truth. That’s why most work product needs to be reviewed and polished by a human.

Let’s expand on the human element in AI-assisted application development. Building on these rules, we hypothesize that an artificial intelligence-based collaboration framework, enhanced by both machine and human content curation, will dramatically reduce the time to value in software development. By integrating human insight and feedback directly into the AI development and deployment cycles, we can create high quality software much more rapidly. We will dive deeper into this process in future articles.

You’ve made it this far… so make sure to hit that follow button to stay connected. We’re here to share the latest and greatest insights on all things AI including upcoming interviews from AI experts.

Check out previous articles from our AI series:

Three Simple Steps to Kickstart your AI Journey

By Tela Gallagher Mathias , COO and Managing Partner, PhoenixTeam

As I mentioned a couple of posts ago, we started our AI journey because we saw both opportunities and threats to our business. So much more than staying relevant, we want to lead the change that is coming with the commonplace availability of the awesome power of generative AI. As I say often, we want to be the change we want to see in the world. That’s why I co-created PhoenixTeam almost a decade ago. We started this company to create a place and a culture we would want to be a part of.

You may be wondering where to start your AI journey. Here are the three things you should literally do today.

  1. If you haven’t already, create an account with chat GPT and run the peanut butter and jelly experiment from our last post. Be smart guys, don’t put anything confidential or proprietary in there. Unless you are using a team account, OpenAIuses what you put in to train its models.
  2. Reflect on what this means to you and your business. Ask yourself – how does this technology apply to my business?
  3. Make a list of three people you need to talk to that can help you figure out what you are doing today that leverages AI.

AI technology has been around for decades, just not at the scale you see today, so don’t worry – you are probably doing more than you think. Using optical character recognition (OCR)? That’s AI. Robotic process automation (RPA)? Yes, that’s AI. Chat bots? AI. You get the picture. Tell us what you find out.

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich AI Experiment

Written By Tela Gallagher Mathias , COO and Managing Partner, PhoenixTeam

Part of the scope of our MVP was to create storyboards, which was actually really hard. I highly recommend running your own peanut butter and jelly experiment. It’s super easy. Here are the steps:

1. Open up ChatGPT.

2. Enter the following prompt: “describe the process used to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich”.

You’ll find that chat GPT provides an awesome answer, very thorough and just right. Perfect grammar, with all the steps described. Now the fun part.

3. Enter the following prompt: “create a storyboard illustrating the process”.

I’ve run this experiment a dozen times and it is always fun, but the best result remains the one achieved by Tom Westerlind.

What I love about this experiment is how profoundly it reveals both the awesome power and the hilarious limitations of the “today” technology. I say “today” technology because the tech is moving at a breakneck pace. I’m sure the absurd (and at times, disturbing) deficiencies will resolve in months, but I love discovering and overcoming these problems.

The more you stare at this image, the weirder it gets. It starts great – every hungry person ever, staring out the window posing the constant question to themself – “I’m hungry, what am I going to eat?”

As the steps progress, you can see the AI is trying to get it right, it has hints of the process it described so well just a moment ago, but what’s up with the cigarette in (the first) pane three? And those bowls of peanuts and fruit – are we doing tableside PB&J? Why would we use such a huge knife and a spoon to cut our sandwich? It goes on and on.

We’d love to hear from you in the comments on what you see, also feel free to post your image results.

Starting our AI Journey

Written By Tela Gallagher Mathias , COO and Managing Partner, PhoenixTeam

In late February, we kicked off our #AI journey. As a company that specializes in the design, delivery, implementation, and care of technology solutions, we saw both the opportunity and the threat that AI and generative AI brings to us.

The opportunity – AI augmented product development will empower us to dramatically reduce time to value for our customers. We will be able to test ideas faster and with less waste.

The threat – AI and generative AI will change the talent required in software development in radical ways that we do not yet understand. The jobs required to make software will change.

The facts – Pretty much everyone uses some variation of the same process to create software solutions. If we reduce the time it takes to complete the fundamental steps of software development, we will reduce time to value.

Our hypothesis – we can use #generativeAI to create the basic artifacts of software development faster than traditional approaches.

So, we kicked off a six-week proof of concept with a very talented team of Phoenix practitioners. We started with a plan and then we changed our plan as we learned. Opportunities to add value presented themselves so we pivoted a few times. What didn’t change was our main goal – learning.

We just finished our POC and where we ended up was with a custom GPT that creates context-specific training materials, storyboards, user stories, and acceptance criteria.

MVP Solution Flow

It was very refreshing to take something to production in literally days. Once we figured out what we wanted to do, we were up and running in less than a week. We learned a lot and there is more to come as move to the next phase of our AI journey. We’ll keep you posted.

MISMO Winter Summit 2024

The MISMO Winter Summit was jam-packed with insightful discussions, forward-looking sessions and it was also a celebration of MISMO’s 25-year anniversary of industry collaboration and standards development. Our team led 15 workgroup sessions, covering the latest standards in mortgage technology, credit reporting, and much more.

Let’s dive into the key insights and takeaways from the summit:

Embracing New Technologies:

A common theme of the summit was the focus on new technologies to streamline the mortgage process. Discussions and sessions highlighted the importance of enhancing security and transparency in transactions. The integration of AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies is not merely a vision of the future, but a reality poised to reshape the mortgage landscape.

Legislative Developments- The VA Home Loan Awareness Act of 2023:

The proposed legislation brings greater awareness to the loan products available to Veterans by incorporating a disclaimer on the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) to increase awareness of the direct and guaranteed home loan programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA Home Loan Awareness Act of 2023, detailed in a DS News story, is a bipartisan effort that underscores the industry’s continued efforts to highlight the VA home loan benefits available to those who have served our country.

New Initiatives: MISMO Certifications, Fee Modernization and Loan Servicing Data Standard

MISMO announced its new certification opportunities, including the MISMO Certified Consultants program and PhoenixTeam is proud to be an early applicant. “The new MISMO Certifications are designed for professionals and technology providers who demonstrate their commitment to effective business practices through their expertise in, and adherence to, MISMO standards,” said David Coleman, President of MISMO. “As adoption of MISMO standards continues to accelerate, we have more industry partners interested in pursuing the variety of certifications we are offering.”

MISMO is seeking participants for a NEW Fee Modernization Workgroup! VA announced plans for a collaborative effort with other federal housing agencies to develop a loan servicing data standard – more to come!

More Insights from the Sessions: AI, Credit Reporting, FHFA and SMART Docs®

  • The Emerging Tech Community of Practice session debuted an Emerging Tech updates segment that included trends, articles, and projections about emerging technologies such as AI and Blockchain.
  • The Artificial Intelligence panel discussion provided an engaging conversation around “The Missing Middle” and how to bridge the gap between ‘human only activity’ and ‘machine only activity’. Brian Stucky from Rocket Mortgage refers to this as “The Missing Middle.” Human only activities include components such as leadership, teamwork, empathy, judgement, and social skills. Machine only activities include accuracy, speed, scalability, quantitative capabilities, and iteration. The “missing middle” are hybrid activities that can train, explain, sustain, and interact. The implementation involves leveraging AI to perform tasks that don’t require human intervention, such as interpreting loan documents and assisting with origination systems. As a result, bankers are obtaining answers approximately 70% faster.
  • The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) shared an update on what it learned during recent stakeholder forums discussing how data digitization might drive transparency, increase access, fairness, affordability, and sustainability in mortgage lending. The stakeholder forums, focused on historical data and sequencing of events, had broad industry participation. FHFA acknowledged the industry preference for “big bang” vs. a phased approach implementation of the credit score changes. It also reiterated movement of the bi-merge implementation timeline and expect to announce upcoming FHFA stakeholder forms by the end of January.  Potential topics for future forums may include Gaming, Fair Lending, Cost to Consumers and Consumer Disclosure.
  • Although the implementation date for the credit score changes is pending, the Credit Reporting CoP continued their effort to develop implementation guidance of the MISMO standard and the representation of the FICO 10T and Vantage Score 4.0.
  • The use of SMART Docs®, remains a focus with the introduction of Version 3 which introduces the ability to verify data and documents while also being tamper evident.

We are grateful for the insights gained and more excited to put them into practice as we continue to execute our federal and commercial clients’ value delivery goals.

Follow PhoenixTeam on LinkedIn for the latest news and updates.

#MISMOWinterSummit #MISMO #ContinuousLearning #Adaptability

Jacki Frazer

We recently interviewed Jacki Frazer, Managing Director at PhoenixTeam and the well-deserved recipient of PhoenixTeam’s Leader of the Year Award. Our interview was nothing short of inspiring, and discussed many leadership topics, including her unique philosophy, the importance of team collaboration, her innovative strategies for overcoming leadership challenges.

Some key insights from our interview:

🏆 On Being Named Leader of the Year
Jacki shared her heartfelt feelings about receiving the Leader of the Year award, emphasizing the importance of team effort and collective success.

🌍 Leadership in Jacki’s Eyes
What does leadership mean? Our conversation revealed that for Jacki, leadership is less about authority and more about collaboration, mentorship, and showing growth in others.

🧭 Jacki’s Leadership Philosophy
Jacki shared her belief in collaboration with a focus on coaching. Her approach is a blend of empathy, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

🚀 Tackling Challenges
Jacki recounted a particularly challenging situation and how she navigated it with grace and determination. The outcome? A stronger team and invaluable lessons in resilience and adaptability.

🌱 Advice for Aspiring Leaders
Jacki emphasized the importance of continuous learning, working closely with their leader or coach for honest feedback. Leadership takes time and effort and a continuous process that pays off over time.

📈 Upcoming Leadership Programs at PhoenixTeam
Finally, Jacki gave us a sneak peek into the exciting leadership community of practice program. This initiative promises to further strengthen the organization’s leadership culture and provide ample growth opportunities for team members.

Click here to watch the full interview